Who are we?
Hotel de Nieuwe Wereld is part of Rijn IJssel. At Rijn IJssel, students develop into skilled professionals as well as independent and critical thinking citizens.
When you enter the school, you literally step into the bustling world of practice: students from the hospitality, bakery, facility services and tourism educations run four companies under the supervision of professional teachers. The companies are bakery ‘Allerlekkerst’, hospitality square ‘Plein 5’, restaurant ‘Voldaan’ and hotel and conference center ‘de Nieuwe Wereld’.
About Rijn IJssel
With over 12,000 students, Rijn IJssel is the largest school for intermediate vocational education and training in Gelderland. But because of our small scale, students quickly feel at home at Rijn IJssel. We have over 20 modern locations in Arnhem, Wageningen and surrounding areas. The ENKA campus on Velperweg in Arnhem is the beating heart.